8 Easy Practices For Beginners To Generate High-Quality Backlinks | Easymadeblog


8 Easy Practices For Beginners To Generate High-Quality Backlinks

When we talk about SEO, high-quality backlinks are one of the most important aspects. It is a word every serious blogger is supposed to be familiar with. Many SEO experts give many regards to backlinks.

According to this source, "backlinks" are links that point directly to your blog from another blog/website. If a website links to your blog, you earn what is called a 'backlink.'

A blog with a lot of websites linking back to it tends to rank high in search engines than one who has low backlinks. This is why smart bloggers don't joke with backlinks.

As a blogger, you should be focusing on how to build quality backlinks to your website and not just writing and posting articles on your blog.

In this post, we are going to be looking at some of the terms associated with backlinks and the effective ways of generating quality back links to your website 

When a website links to another article of a page on another website, it is called a Link juice.
It helps in the ranking of that particular article and makes it visible to your readers via search engines.

High-quality backlinkss

Terms to be familiar with

  • No-Follow Link: When you link to an article or page that is spammy or to an affiliate program that you do not have full knowledge of, and you would like to keep it hidden from search engines, you make use of a No- Follow link. 

How Do I Add A No- Follow Tag To A Link?

Nofollow tag can simply be added to a link by adding rel="nofollow" to the property the link structure. Here is a typical example:

<a href="https://www.easymadeblog.com" rel = "nofollow">Advantages of building backlinks</a>

  • Do Follow Links: These are links that pass link juice and is made visible to all search engines.

  • Linking root domain: These are the number of backlinks generated in a particular domain that is linking to your site.  If a particular website links directly to your blog 2 or 3 times,  it is regarded as One linked root domain and not 2 or 3 domains 

  • Internal linking: These are links that link one page to another on the same domain.  It is always advised to link to at least 2 -3 pages that are relevant to the topic discussed and are on the same website. It boosts your site ranking on search engines and also helps to reduce bounce rate

  • Anchor Text: An Anchor text is a clickable text in a hyperlink that leads you to a web page when clicked on. In the example below the anchor text is 'Advantage of building backlinks'
<a href="https://www.easymadeblog.com" ref = "nofollow">Advantages of building backlinks</a>

An Anchor text gives readers an idea of what to see in the website given

 Benefits of Building Backlinks

You have been told by many SEO experts that you should build backlinks. Do you even know why you it is always emphasized? Well, here are some benefits that you derive from building high-quality backlinks:

Boosts Google ranking 

If a particular post or page on your blog is linked to from another website, the page (or post) tends to rank higher on Search engines.

Always do well to build quality backlinks as it boosts your ranking and draws quality traffic to your blog 

Organic Traffic 

One good thing about generating quality backlinks for your blog is that it gives you quality traffic.  If you are one of those that are new to blogging and are faced with low traffic issues, I suggest you go start building quality backlinks for your blog.

Faster and Quicker Indexing 

Just like I earlier said, when you build quality backlinks to your blog, you make your blog visible on Search engines and boosts your ranking. 
When you have a lot of different websites linking to your site, it makes it easy for Google bots to crawl your site effectively.

Things to consider when building backlinks

Before you go ahead to build quality backlinks to your blog,  here are some of the things to consider 

Blog's design - Ensure you have a cool design on your blog. What's the essence of you linking your blog from other websites when your website sucks? No one would like to stay for long on your blog if it is not catchy and appealing to the eyes.  They would exit at the very moment they land on your page. And this will result in a high bounce rate.
Work on your blog design or probably hire a web designer to do that for you so you do not stand a chance to lose your potential readers.

Blog Niche - If you wish to generate backlinks to your blog,  always do so from other websites that are far more better than you and are of higher authority/rank also on the same niche. It is of no use linking to your blog from an 'Entertainment' niche when you are on a 'Tutorial' niche.

Linking to sites with bad or poor reputation 

Never link to a site that is full of spams or are filled with duplicate contents. It is of no use, and you might end up being penalized by Google for that. Always link to sites that are of good reputation and are not of low quality 

Having said much,  let's now get back to our main discussion,

The best ways to generate high-quality backlinks.

1. Write quality contents 
This is one of the best and easiest ways of building backlinks for your website.  You would not want to build quality backlinks to your blog when all you do is copy and paste duplicated contents or someone else's post.  

It just can't work! Write quality contents, avoid copying and pasting and always come up with interactive and useful posts of your own. If you find it hard to write a quality blog post yourself, get a freelance writer to write for you. Build up your self and also write consistently. It builds your online reputation and is best for your blog's SEO.

Recommended for you:

2. Comment on other blogs 

Comments are very good ways of generating backlinks to your blog too. Don't just spam, leave reasonable and helpful comments on other blogs, give solutions to people's problems and watch how you 'd rank high on Search engines.  It has been tested and proven to be working 

3. Submit your blog to web directories 

Submitting your blog to various web directories is one way of generating quality back links to your blog. It makes it easy for readers to find you on Search engines and boosts your ranking. Here is a list of 131+ manually verified free blog directories that you can submit your blog link.

4. Be active on social media sites 

Social media networks like Facebook,  Twitter are places you can get to meet a lot of people and also get to promote your brand,  products for free. 

When you are active on such social networks, you would know what is trending and that which people are constantly after, work on them and provide relevant solutions to problems and in the end link them to your blog. This would go a long way in generating backlinks to your blog from social media networks.

5. Write reviews

This has been one of the effective ways that have been used for long by most bloggers to generate backlinks to their website. 

Write articles on newly launched products, most searched goods and services that are needed, and that matters to your niche.

When you do, publish the post and ask for a back link to your site.  If your work is good,  you might just end up getting a backlink from such websites to your site.

6. Editing Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the biggest source of information online. Editing blog posts on Wikipedia that are relevant to your niche can help generate back links to your blog. 

You should be careful when doing that so as not to get banned or penalized. Wikipedia has a lot of rules, and you should always try to abide by them if you do not want to be banned 

7. Guest blogging 

When you Guest blog on other websites, not only do you get to widen your scope and reach to as many readers as possible, you also build your online personality and build quality backlinks to your website.  When you guest post on other blogs,  include a link to your site.

Need a perfect guide for guest posting? Read this advance guide to link building through guest blogging by Neil Patel.

8. Get Interviewed or Interview others 

Interviewing someone who is more knowledgeable in your niche does not only reveal what you don't know, but it also helps to generate quality backlinks to your website.

Make yourself available, in terms of value, to be interviewed by bloggers in your niche. There is no way you will be interviewed and won't be introduced as the "founder," "writer," "editor" of your blog. You will get a backlink when the interviewer mentions your blog link in his post.

Honestly, there are several other ways to get high-quality backlinks to your blog. But here are the less stressful and effective ways for beginners. You can also start with these.

What way do you consider the least-stressful way to get high-quality backlinks? Which methods do you use? Share it with me in the comment.

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