7 Steps To Possibly Increase Google AdSense CPC and CTR Rates | Easymadeblog


7 Steps To Possibly Increase Google AdSense CPC and CTR Rates

Google Adsense is arguably one of the best sources of income for all internet bloggers even though so many still find it hard to earn from it.

Are you looking for ways to increase your Adsense earnings and maximize your income?  Then look no more for you are in the right place.

In this post, we are going to be looking at the possible ways of increasing Google Adsense CTR and CPC earnings.

But before we move on,  let's look at the meaning of Adsense CPC and CTR.

What is Google Adsense CPC?

CPC simply stands for Cost Per Click.
This is the amount you get paid by Google for all clicks made on your Ads.

It all depends on what the advertisers are willing to pay for a particular keyword.

There are some countries with a high Adsense paying CPC rates.

Such countries include Russia,  USA, Ethiopia and other  Tier one countries.

These countries have high CPC rates. A click on your ads from these countries would increase your Google Adsense CPC earnings.

All you need to do is make such countries your blog target and write relevant and meaningful contents.

What is Adsense CTR

CTR is an acronym for Click Through Rate.

CTR is the number of times an advertisement is clicked on your blog divided by the number of times the ad is displayed.

Let's say, for instance; you have an ad running on your blog which has 100 page views daily but is clicked only 7 times,  your CTR would be 7%

As a blogger who is willing to earn through AdSense, you should be focusing on how to increase your CPC and CTR rates to maximize Adsense earnings

With your CPC been 0.5$, you might end up earning about $1000 if you have an average of 2000 clicks.

There are a lot of factors that come in place when determining CPC and CTR rates.

In this post, we are going to be looking at the 7 possible ways of increasing  Google Adsense CPC and CTR.

 1. Run a good blog niche

There are a lot of niches to choose from if you intend to blog. Check out these 12+ Untapped, But Profitable Niches For A New Blog.

Choosing the right niche for your blog is of utmost importance to your Google Adsense CPC and CTR rates.

Niches related to blogging, health, internet marketing, technology, and finance are some niches that are profitable for Adsense.

These niches have high CPC and CTR rates and are best to earn from Google Adsense.

2. Target locations with high CPC

There are many countries with high Adsense CPC rates like I said earlier. Example of such countries includes USA and other Tier one countries.

A click on your ads from countries like the USA would give you a CPC of about $2-3.

If you are looking to earn from Adsense, then you should be making such countries your blog target and focusing on blog niches that can fetch you more traffic from such countries

3. Work on your blog SEO

If you wish to earn a lot from Google Adsense,  then you should be focusing more on your Blog's SEO.

What is SEO?

You might want to ask that. Read this SEO practices for beginners to understand more about SEO.

On page and proper SEO implementation on your blog can be the answer to high Adsense CPC and CTR rates.

Know your targeted keywords and always include them in your post title,  headings, Blog URL, image alt tags and also through out the body of the post.

This would make you rank well and boost your ranking on search engines.

Do also check my SEO archive here.

4. Write quality contents 

Content is the king! You've heard that several times.

Be real,  be original,  avoid copying some one else's post and always come up with useful and interactive contents of your own.

Quality content is one of those reasons why so many websites have more CPC rates than others.
If you wish to increase your Adsense earnings,  focus on one niche and avoid blogging about other unrelated blog niches as this would cause your blog CPC and CTR rates to decrease.

  • Read this recommended posts to help in writing quality contents:
  1. Writing For Search Engines That Also Goes Well With Readers
  2. Writing High-quality Blog Post; The Complete Secret That Works

5. Do Keyword Research 

Finding the right profitable keywords for your blog is the key to increasing Adsense CPC rates.

There are a lot of tools that can provide you with profitable keywords for your blog posts and also spy on the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Example of such tools include

  • Keyword.io
  • Google Keyword planner
  • Semrush
  • Spyfu 
  • Longtailpro

Always make use of long tail keywords that have about 3000 - 5000 monthly searches and are less competitive.

This would make you rank well on SERPs and increase your CPC and CTR rates

6. Fix Technical Errors 

One of the main reasons why you may be suffering from low Adsense CPC rates is because of the technical errors experienced on your website.

If your blog takes a longer time to load and have technical issues,  crawlers and Google bots would find it hard to crawl your websites and index them on search engines.

This would affect your Blog's ranking on search engines and lead to a drop in your Adsense CPC and CTR rates.

7. Alternate Ads format 

Many people prefer text ads to image ads and find it hard to click on them.  If you wish to earn from Google Adsense, know what ads format your visitors would prefer and always make use of them.

If you blog on a tutorial Blog niche, always make use of video ads as your blog readers would be tempted to click and watch a video than to do so on an image ad.

These are some of the best ways to increase CPC and CTR rates and help boost your Adsense earnings...

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