After two weeks that I started to blog | Easymadeblog


After two weeks that I started to blog

       Hi readers, I'd like to tell you my experiences I've had eversince I started to blog. The experiences are somehow funny, but the real truth is that this post may tell aspiring bloggers what they might need to experience after they start to blog.

 After that I started blogging for the past two weeks when my boss +Jide Ogunsanya gave me the passion and impression to blogging, especially to make money with it. My ways has changed, I mean the way I sleep, eat, even discuss with neighbors.
What really led me into blogging was the day I was on duty when a thought came to my mind that "is this how it will be going forever". The reply to my self-question was that I picked up my blackberry phone immediately and google-searched "how to make money online, legally". The first result was the ogbongeblog  of +JideOgunsanya with the topic "12 ways I make money online as a Nigerian". I was like "what's hapening here" when I saw 12 ways let alone a single way I searched for. I quickly clicked on the link to read more and I read all thw 12 ways. It seemed it was the first way he mentioned was the simplest and I went for it and followed the steps.
     On his blog [Jide Ogunsanya], I saw an article on "how a SSCE holder started making money online with his mobile phone". I rushed to read it since I'm also a SSCE holder. I read the full story and decided to take steps. 
I did all what I could to get a PC so that it would be more easier for me. But the funniest part, as the topic of this article is what blogging turns me to after I paid much attention on it.

   If I just get a little chnce to use my brain and think about a little, I just find myself depth in thought.
                  I no longer think about friends, girlfriend and so many other things I think about before I started blogging. Whats comes to myb mind most is 

"what next am I going to post" 

"how will I get much traffic to my blog"

"Which style am I going to use in my next blog"

"When and how will I be approved by the Google Adsense"

and so-on on blogging isssue. The result of this deep in thought results to two other things which are also Sub-topics in this article.

 Even, within the little time I do sleep these days, I do dreams in every of my sleep.
             Since it started, let's say I scheduled mysleeping hour to 7-hours a day(i.e, 10pm - 5am). I cjanged it to 4-hours(i.e, 1am - 5am) since I have to go work very early in the morning, in other to browse with the PC. This makes me dose during the work-time.

I think dream comes from what you are think before you sleep,  I still have dreams that I'm blogging that I'm blogging.

I have now became the MTN Slogan(everywhere I go).
While on duty at work, I use my phone every time even my boss and seniors complain of this but I can't do without it. I'm free a little or I'm on off, I use my PC to edit some stuffs that can not be edited on phone. This leads to "everywhere I go, I gp with phone and PC"like Tatoo for your body.

I'm hihgly impressed with the way Jide Ogunsanya expressed his Ebook on how to blog successfully and this kept me going.

I wish before of the end of this year, I achieve my dreams and aim for blogging and I share my success story with you guys......

This could be somehow funny or interesting, for more upate don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on my blog page, just enter your e mail address for cool update. FEEL FREE TO SHARE.

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