How To Create A Facebook Fan Page Using A Small Java Phone | Easymadeblog


How To Create A Facebook Fan Page Using A Small Java Phone

A facebook fan page is a public profile specifically created for business, brands, celebrities, and other organizations. Unlike personal profile, pages do not gain friends but fans which are people who choose to like a page.
To read more about facebook page,  click here
                You might have been noticing some suggested pages  on your facebook feeds profile like Our facebook page, akpos the comedian, sanyeri afonja olaniyi, or some other business and celebrity pages.


  •  The limited friends you can get on a personal facebook profile is 5,000, while a facebook page can have unlimited fans.

  • Getting traffics to your organization or website, facebook fan page can help you through the help of search engines.
  • Facebook page serves as advertising media.

  • If you have a lot of fans on your page, you can promote your personal post on the page.
To read more, click here
Most of the pages you’d see on facebook are created using a PC but if you cannot afford going to cafĂ© you don’t own a PC and you want to create a facebook fan page using your mobile phone, then continue reading this.
==> Open your browser and go to  or click here to get started. A window will appear like the one below:

==> Select the brand you want to create facebook page for, then choose a category for the brand.
==> Enter the company name and tick the small box below it to agree to the facebook page terms and condition, then click get started tab.
                It should take you to the page wall where you can like, share post, update page info and invite friends. This means your page has been created. You can click the invite friends tab to invite your friends to like the page. You can also use the update page info tab to give description of your page.

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