For easier understanding of blogging, I have selected some common terms that are used in blogging and their meaning. So, you don't have to worry about some terms when .you come across them.
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Here are the lists of the most common blogging terms you should be familiar with:
#1. Niche
When we talk about blog niche, it's a particular subject that is being treated on a blog. When a student talks about Mathematics, we all know the subject is bound about everything calculations.
Examples of niches include Technology (Tech), Entertainment, and Health, etc.
#2. Domain
A domain name is an identification link that people type into the address bar that takes them to your website. For example, the domain name for my blog is “”
#3. URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is an address of a web page or network identification for any resource connected to the web.
Every web page has different and unique URL attached, that can be used to locate the web pages. For now, I want you to believe that a URL is also called a “Link” or an “address” although several web pages state the little difference between “URLs” and “Links.”
An example of a URL or link is Anywhere I use “address”, “link”, or “URL” in this book; I want you to term them as the same.
#4. Spam
A spam is a content about anything, posted where it is not supposed to be. The content might be a post link, a piece of information, an advert or any kind of content.
Even if the content is useful but is posted where it's not supposed to be, it will be marked as spam.
The act of posting a spam is called "Spamming". Spamming is an awful habit that destroys blogs, and Google hates posting spam comments too.
#5. Adsense
Adsense or Google Adsense is an advertising placement by Google. The program is designed for blog and website publishers who want to display targeted text, video or image advertisements on web pages and earn money when the site visitors click the ads (advertisement).
Ads are shown on websites that participate in the Google Adsense program. These people are called “Adsense Publishers.”
Adsense is the primary reasons why most people come to the blogosphere. We all want to earn from our passion. You can also make thousands of dollars from Adsense when you do it right. I discuss how you can apply for Adsense later in this book.
#6. Gadget/Widget
A gadget or widget is an application that is added and embedded to blogs, that has its own particular function it does on the blog.
A gadget is added to blog's layout with the sole aim of adding a feature to blogs or performing a particular function on the blog.
Examples of gadgets are the "Contact form" gadget that lets users send you to message directly from your blog and the "HTML" gadget that enables you to add any script or code to your blog.
#7. Templates/Themes
According to, a blog template is a theme that can be used to manipulate the physical presentation of a blog, with settings which apply to every page on the blog so that bloggers can establish a single template, and then focus on content, instead of having to customise each and every single entry.
Because blogging also involves complex activities like maintaining archives, creating dynamic pages, etc., blog template automates these functions, reducing the risk of errors across the blog and allowing bloggers to focus on creating content instead of building a website.
Different kinds of the template can be applied to the blog to see how each looks like. You can download templates from template creator websites or stores like
#8. HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used for creating Web or blog pages.
HTML elements are represented by tags which consist of pieces of content such as “heading”, “paragraph”, “table”, and so on.
Browsers do not display the HTML tags but use them to render the content of the page
#9. CSS
According to, Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages (created with HTML) presentable.
CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the colour of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colours are used, layout designs variations in the display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.
CSS provides powerful control over the presentation of an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the markup languages HTML or XHTML.
#10. Keyword
A keyword is a phrase/word that is used to search for relevant information or web pages on search engines. A keyword could be 2-3-4 or more words.
Keywords are also used in blog posts for maximum optimization by search engines.
Search engines focus on keywords to serve their users better, and this makes it vital to understand how to use keyword better in blog posts.
#11. Search engine
Search engine refers to a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters used by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.
The commonest and the leading search engine is Google where users go to find information related to the keyword used.
Other examples of search engine include "Bing", "Yandex", "Yahoo" etc
#12. SEO
SEO simply stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process and strategy you apply that gives you natural visitors from search engines (known as organic traffic).
When a user searches for a keyword on search engines, thousands of results are brought to him based on what the search engine consider as the most relevant to him. When he now clicks on a link that takes him to your website (for instance), you have organic traffic. This is the work of search engine optimisation.
In other words, SEO is the methods you apply that make your blog appear on the first page of search engines as relevant to particular keywords by users. I believe you understand what SEO means now, let us check the central importance of SEO.
The main reason why many people are focused on SEO is to get much traffic by appearing first when a user searches for a keyword on search engines.
- Read also >> 5 Simplest SEO Practices For Blogger Blog Posts
#13. Tag/Label
I mean to explain "Post tag or label" here. Post tag is simply a label or a keyword you assign to your post. It provides a useful way to group related posts together and to quickly tell readers what a post is about.
Depending on the theme and widgets you have activated, tags can be displayed at the top or bottom of posts, on the individual post view, and/or in the sidebar. You can assign multiple tags per post.
For example, a post may display that it has been tagged with "baseball" and "tickets." Each of those tags is usually a link that can be clicked on to see all the posts that have the particular tag.
#14. Crawl & Index
When your blog is crawled by an internet robot (bot), usually called “Spider” or “Crawler”, it is said that your blog pages are being checked for the presence of content.
Search engines and some other websites use “Web Crawling” or “Spidering” software to update their blog content or indices (stored content) of other sites’ web content. Web crawlers can copy all the pages they visit for later processing by a search engine which indexes the downloaded pages so the users can search more conveniently.
“Indexing” happens when spiders (or bots) download the web (blog) content and store them for search engines in order to allow users search conveniently.
#15. Traffic
Traffic is what is used to measure a number of page views that you have on your blog. “Page views” means the total number of times any of your blog posts (or any other page) is opened or reloaded. If I open 2 blog posts on your blog and I reload each of them 2 times, you will have 4 page views from me.
#16. Dashboard
A dashboard page is what you will see when you log in to access your blog, and is available anytime. The dashboard lists all of your blogs and includes several icon buttons to the right of each blog’s name.
Below is a screen shot of a blogger dashboard:
Below is a screen shot of a blogger dashboard:
#17. Script/Code
A computer script is a list of commands that are interpreted by a certain program or scripting engine, like "a blog." Scripts may be used to generate Web pages on the Web.
Apparently, it is agreed that blog templates are made of scripts (set of commands).
"Script" and "Code" are two different words with a slight difference, but are often used to define each other. Here's an example of a script that I copied from my blog's template below:
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language much like HTML. XML was designed to store and transport data.
XML can also serve as a file extension much like jpg used for pictures and mp3 for music. Files that are saved in XML format consist of codes/scripts (set of commands).
Examples of such files are the "Blog content" and the "Blog Template".
#19. Permalink
A permalink or permanent link is a URL (or link) to an individual blog post or page. An example is
#20. Hyperlinks
The hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section within the current document.
Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing users to click their way from page to page.
Text hyperlinks are often blue and underlined. An example of the hyperlink is "this post" - when you click on it; it takes you to a web page.
The terminologies are not limited to these. In fact, they are many. These list just brief the most common terms that are used in blogging.
The terminologies are not limited to these. In fact, they are many. These list just brief the most common terms that are used in blogging.
Read the next chapter:
Remember: You can get the the complete guide for beginners in pdf.
Are there any common blogging terms you would like to add? Let's hear from you in the comment.
Absolutely true.