How To Open A Diamond Bank Account Online - Savings, Savings xtra and Current accounts. | Easymadeblog


How To Open A Diamond Bank Account Online - Savings, Savings xtra and Current accounts.

To open a bank account online is not common and, not all people know how to open it online. Diamond bank makes it easy to open an account with them right on the internet without visiting the bank branch. 

The types of account which DiamondBank lets you open with them have their own differences (advantages and disadvantages). As I expect you to know the differences, but for a layman who knows nothing about the types of bank account can check the types of bank account and their benefits here.
 The same requirements for opening account in the bank branch will also be needed in opening on the internet. You can check the requirements here.


==> Visit DiamondBank website. You should see something like this;
  • Account Info:

==> Check and Tick the type of account you would like to open;

==> Check and Tick the annual income, 0-0.5M (#0.00 to #500,000);

==> Check and Tick the individual, because you want to own the account for yourself;

==> Enter the referral code correctly;

==> Input the name you would like to appear on your account info.

  • Customer Information:

==> Click the customer information and should extend you to more information;

==> Check and  Tick all necessary things correctly, as I believe you must understand these;

==> In the mode of identification, tick the mode of identification you have with you and enter information correctly.

  • Next of KIN:

Next of KIN is the person you’d like to bear your account after your death.
==> Enter the surname, first name and other name of your next of KIN;

==> Tick his/her relationship to you;

== Tick his/her gender;

==> Enter a correct address of your next of KIN;

==>Tick either he/she is from Nigeria or Non-Nigeria and enters his/her phone number correctly.

  • E-banking Subs Request:
==> Tick diamond mobile if you have the mobile application in your phone or, Diamond online if you’d like to bank online. (NOTE: You can leave this column blank).
                To learn more on how to bank online, visit here.

==> You can leave the “token column” blank;

==> Tick the numbers of leaves of cheque book you would like to request for;

==> Finally, press the Submit tab. That’s all.

If everything is well entered, the account must be created and you have the notification alert on your mobile phone as SMS. NOTE: I, personally, have not tested this. But if it’s not working, DiamondBank would not have put this on their website.

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