Easymadeblog: Write For Us

Write For Us

You're welcome to this page. Clicking to view this page means you are interested in writing for us. I really appreciate that.

My name is Ilyas A. Akin (aka, the Easymade). I am the founder of this wonderful blog that teaches newbies about technology with easy-made tutorials. Yeah! You got me, that's how I found the name. You can connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

  • You want your post to reach many readers? 
  • Want a quality backlink? 
  • Want your blog to be known by a large audience? 
You are on the right page!.

This blog accepts any type of guest post that is related to Tech only. For sponsored posts and other services I render, visit this page now!

To post your blog post on this blog, simply send me a message to admin@easymadeblog.com. The subject of the message should be “a guest post for easymadeblog and the content should be the “Main post”.

Do you want to ask me anything before you proceed? You can put a call through me on 08179404398 or drop me a message on WhatsApp. If I am not able to pick your call, please send me a text message for fast processing.

Alternatively, you can use the form at the end of this post.

Before you proceed, kindly review the simple rules guiding your guest posts:

1. Your guest post must be related to TECH ONLY, otherwise click here.

2. Your post must be 300 words and above

3.Your post topic MUST HAVE NEVER been discussed on this blog, as at the time of submitting your post

4. You must be able to reply to comments. Otherwise, your links and you Bio will be removed

5. Your post MUST HAVE NOT been published on any blog before. And you agree that it will not be published in the future. Otherwise, the post will be deleted if found on other blog/website.

What should you include in your post?

You're writing for us to get back traffic on your blog. So I have made it simple and easy for you to achieve that, by allowing you to include your information in the post. Here are what you are allowed to include in the post:

1. Your Bio. It must not be more than 30 words. Let your bio include your name, your blog url, and your achievements (if there's any)

2. Your blog link. Must not appear more than twice in the post.

3. Your contact address, if you wish to.

4. The post link you wish to promote. Provide the link you really want to promote if you're directing your guest post to a certain post.

Note: I have the rights to edit or restructure your post to my taste.

If you have any question regarding this, you can drop it as a comment or contact me now.

Looking forward to seeing your post on this blog.


Fill in the form below to send me a fast message:

Your Name :

Your Email: (required)

Your Message: (required)

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