4 Ways Blog Post Images Reduce My Bounce Rate by 50% | Easymadeblog


4 Ways Blog Post Images Reduce My Bounce Rate by 50%

What is bounce rate?

Bounce rate can be described as the rate at which visitors land on your blog, and leave without checking on other pages on the blog.

The bounce rate of a blog can be calculated in percentage, as the number of visitors that land on your blog and leave without checking other pages over the total number of visitors that land on your blog.

For example, out of 20 visitors that land on your blog, 10 leave without checking other pages, this can be calculated as


This is the same thing as 50%.

Note: high Bounce rate is bad for your blog. The lower the bounce rate, the better it is.

People do a lot of things unknowingly that increase their blog's bounce rate. Examples are;

  • Poor sentence structure
  • Uninteresting content
  • Bad writing
  • Poor blog template design
  • Wrong post optimization

And the worst mistake most bloggers do unknowingly is

  • Not using images for blog posts.

Ever since I realized the damage I did my blog for not using images, I had started to use images, and in fact, edited the existing posts to add images. Well, you would ask me if anything changed?

Yes, things changed; and I saw the changes mostly in my bounce rate.

90% used to be my bounce rate, but now, have reduced to a very lower percent .

How blog post images reduced my bounce rate

Have you ever flipped through pages of a book only to look for images, even without reading the content of the book? An eye-catching image could make you read at least some lines of the whole content.

An image is said to worth thousand words, and so reduces bounce rate. Here are 4 fabulous ways images has reduced my bounce rate:

#1. Use of post header images

Post header images are customized images that contain keywords or the full headline of the blog post. It can also be a graphic design that portrays the post headlines.

Here are some examples:

Check most of my blog posts (including this one you're reading); you should find blog header images. Post header images are always located before the start of the content or after the introduction of the post content.

Mere looking at the images would tell you the title of the blog post, or it gives you the idea of what you would be reading.

If post header images are designed well, they have a spectacular effect on drawing your readers to stick to your page and probably check out other pages for more constraining images.

#2. Social media share images

These are images that automatically appear when you share your blog post link on social medias. Social media users would like to click on links that have images like this one:

than the ones that don’t have images like this:

When readers land on your page (due to the social media share images they saw), they would see many other images, and this can make them remain on your page for fewer moments, and also check other posts with images.

#3. Use of Screenshots

Screenshots serve as proofs of facts. Also, edited screenshots are best ways to show illustrations to your readers. Without reading my what I want to say about this image below, my readers already understand the point through the image:

Yeah, you got my point. Your readers would believe you more when you show screenshots as proofs of facts you are telling them. Hence, this makes your readers trust you more and be willing to check out other pages because they know your fact is always true.

#4. Use of hand drawn images

cc @ joomlavision.com

You might not know; some of my readers are always inspired by my image creativity. Are you one of them?

Some blogs that were started the same time I started Easymadeblog are nowhere to be found today due to traffic frustration. Uninteresting images that they were used to could be one of the factors of little traffic.

I am used to designing blog post images by myself. I use different tools, but my favorites are

Pixart in smartphones (easier than you could ever imagine)

I was not a graphic designer, but I learned to be one when I kept practicing to create different images for my blog post. You don't also necessarily need to be a great designer before you could be able to design your blog post images.

Subscribe to this blog if you would like to get notified when I publish posts on how to create images for my blog posts.

Designing these images myself gives me hope that readers who love hand drawn images would like to view more images on my blog. So, this is also a helpful strategy that I use.

Bottom line:

If you want to reduce your blog's bounce rate, it should be part of your plan to use images for your blog post. Stock images with little editing and Screenshots should be best for beginners who have no idea on how to create blog post images.

But if you would like to learn the ways I use to create images for my blog post, click here to subscribe by email. You can also like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

How else do you reduce your bounce back rate?

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  1. How did you know your bounce rate? Which tool are u using?

    1. Hi Saeed, thanks for stopping by.

      There are different tools to check a blog's bounce rate. One of them is Google analytics that was mentioned on this post

      1. Simply log in to analytics.google.com
      2. Click "behavior" under the standard reports on the left hand navigation menu
      3. Click "Site content"
      4. Click "Landing pages" you will see your blog's bounce rate.

      It is always calculated in percentage.

  2. Hi, your post is very well explained. I will begin to apply those tips and see what will happen to my bounce rate which is currently about 80%.

    Bright recently published a post on his blog; 2017 WAEC GCE Runz


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