Many PC users find it difficult to print their system’s
screen, like the screen grabber (muncher) would do in a blackberry phone and screenshot which is now common in Android phones and tablets. Printing screen is like having the copy of
the window you printed, as an image with you. It is now very easy to Take Full Screenshot Of A Web page, The Easiest Way. You can send the image to someone
for illustration of the particular window. There are below, some screens I
printed for you to understand what I’m talking about.
This particular topic has also given me problem before I finally got a solution to it. Since someone like me can try it and make it, why can’t you also? The steps are very simple if you can follow these little steps I mention here.
STEP 1: After you
open the window you want to print, either in the web or anywhere in your PC,
locate the button “PRTSC/SYSRQ”. The “SYSRQ” is under the “PRTSC” like using
the function key “FN” key to enter. CHECK THE IMAGE BELOW;
STEP 2: Press the
function key “FN”, located next to the control key (CTRL), and then the
“PRTSC/SYSRQ” key. You will not get any notification that the screen is printed,
but be assured that is already printed. check the image below for "FN" key;
STEP 3: Just
close or minimize the window and open your wordpad in the system. You should
find something like this;
Open the pain drawing as illustrated in the diagram above.
Press” CTRL V“ to paste the window you
printed earlier and it would be displayed automatically.
STEP 4: Now click
on the file button and select “save as”. Save it in any of the format you wish.
That’s all; go back to the folder you save it to, you should see it there.
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